Best of luck to Easkey Instrumental Music group who take to the stage in Castlebar on Saturday the 1st of March in the All-Ireland finals. Also the very best to Calry/St.Josephs who will represent Sligo in the Table Quiz which will take place earlier on Saturday.
Scór Sinsir County Final will take place on Saturday 8th of March in Skreen Community Centre at 7pm. As the Connacht final is being held in Sligo we are encouraging as many clubs to participate as possible. Competitors must be over 17 on January 1st and entries are in the following disciplines:
Ceili or Figure Dancing
Solo Singing
Recitation/Story Telling
Instrumental Music Group
Léiriú: Short Drama Production
Ballad Group
Set Dancing
Scór Sinsir Table Quiz will take place on Saturday April 5th in Corhownagh Hall, Ballisodare.
For any queries contact Keith Henry
086-3357182 or Catherine Gallagher